After seven months ago Apple launched Mac OS 10.7 Apple has just released a developer preivew for the latest update the operating system on Thursday (02.16.12) ago. But now Apple is removing the word 'Mac' on the desktop operating system, which is just as OS X and specifically named OS x 10.8 Mountain Lion .
'Lion Mountain' this seems to carry many IOS features to the Mac platform, such as Mirroring iMessage and airplay. Here are some new features that stand out on the OS x 10.8 this:
Messages - replace iChat iMessages to bring full support to the Mac platform
Notification Center - as on the IOS
Share Sheets - allows users to easily share links, videos, photos and other files between applications
Mirroring Airplay - send wireless video to Apple TV
Game Center
Twitter Integration
Gatekeeper - anti-malware application
The operating system is also rumored to be built with a more developed iCloud integration. "Mac is like bread, which is growing faster than PC for 23 consecutive quarters, and the 'Lion Mountain' Mac will be better," said Phil Schiller senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing in Apple's official site.
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